Study In Australia | Universities in Australia Without Application Fees

universities in Australia without application fee


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There are lots of Universities in Australia without application fees. Studying far away from home is not a decision for the feeble minds. Lots of things have to come into the planning before finalizing on your study destination of choice. Tuition fees, Accommodation, Living Expenses, Quality of education tenable are among the factors many international students will take into considerations. While Australia might not be your first place of consideration, in reality however Australia attracts the third highest number of international students, behind USA and the UK.

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Though different people chose their study destination for different reasons. Some might consider Australia because of its sun-kissed beaches, warm weather and outdoor lifestyle while most international students prefer the southern hemisphere country because of the quality of education offers. Also, unlike most other developed countries with high application fees attached to their University admission process, Australia is different. Most Universities in Australia have no application fees for international students. This and others are some of the many reasons you should consider studying in Australia?


The Australian Educational System

The Australian educational system is modelled on the British system with suitable indigenous alteration. It starts with pre-school education, which can start as young as three years old, although this is not compulsory.

Formal compulsory education in Australia starts at age five or six – the requirement differs between individual States – and continues, through primary and secondary school, until at least the age of 16. Those wanting to study further, and apply for university or vocational training, will go to senior secondary school for an additional two years. Australia has a large number of public and private schools (the split across the country is 60/40), but all education providers must be licenced by the government, and are obliged to follow a national curriculum, which is intended to give all pupils a solid grounding in literacy, numeracy, communication and information technology.

In senior secondary school (Years 11 to 12) students study for their Senior Secondary Certificate of Education – this is a prerequisite for entry to most Australian universities, as well as vocational training and educational colleges. Many international universities also recognise the Certificate as an entry qualification.

With this background, let us now look at some of the fear that scares international students from study in Australia:

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Expensive Tuition Fees and Living Expenses

The educational system in Australia is world best with friendly international student environment and laws all over the country. Australia has a world class quality of living and world class educational standard. All this account for some of the reasons why studying in Australia can be so expensive.

Meanwhile, considering the rich nature of Australia, study in Australia for international students has been made easy with lots of scholarships made available for international students by both the government and private institutions. Find information here for university and private organization scholarships for international students such as: PhD scholarships, masters scholarships and undergraduates equally.

Also, application fee is free in most Australian universities. Below is the list of  10 Universities in Australia with no application fees for international students:

  1. Bond University
  2. Victoria University(VU)
  3. University of South Australia (UniSA)
  4. Central Queensland University (CQUniversity)
  5. RMIT University
  6. University of Wollongong (UOW)
  7. Charles Darwin University (CDU)
  8. James Cook University(JCU)
  9. University of Notre Dame Australia
  10. Australian Catholic University(ACU)
  11. University of New England (UNE)

And the list goes on. Browse through the list of Universities in Australia below. How ever take note, generally for all Research Degree Programs(HDR), there is no application in most cases but for course work degree students in some study options with no waiver you will have to pay an application fee.

List of Universities in Australia

  1. Australian Catholic University (ACU)
  2. Australian National University (ANU)
  3. Bond University (Bond)
  4. Central Queensland University (CQU)
  5. Charles Darwin University (CDU)
  6. Charles Sturt University (CSU)
  7. Edith Cowan University (ECU)
  8. Deakin University (Deakin)
  9. Curtin University (CURTIN)
  10. Federation University (FEDUNI)
  11. Flinders University (FLINDERS)
  12. James Cook University (JCU)
  13. Griffith University (GRIFFITH)
  14. Monash University (MONASH)
  15. La Trobe University (LATROBE)
  16. Murdoch University (MURDOCH)
  17. Macquarie University (MACQUARIE)
  18. Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
  19. Southern Cross University (SCU)
  20. Swinburne University of Technology (SWINBURNE)
  21. RMIT University (RMIT)
  22. Torrens University (TORRENS)
  23. University of Canberra (CANBERRA)
  24. University of Adelaide (ADELAIDE)
  25. University of Divinity (DIVINITY)
  26. University of Melbourne (MELBOURNE)
  27. University of New South Wales (UNSW)
  28. University of Newcastle (NEWCASTLE)
  29. University of New England (UNE)
  30. University of Notre Dame (UNDA)
  31. University of South Australia (UniSA)
  32. University of Queensland (UQ)
  33. University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
  34. University of Tasmania (UTAS)
  35. University of Sydney (SYDNEY)
  36. University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
  37. University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
  38. University of Western Australia (UWA)
  39. University of Wollongong (UOW)
  40. Western Sydney University (UWS)
  41. Victoria University (VU)


The competitive academic requirements

The many scholarships made available for international students by the government, organisations and universities comes with a lot of requirements also. These requirements are put in place  to give opportunities only to those with true academic quest, high achievements, ambitions and zeal.

However, to make it easy for all, most universities have put in place pathways to make sure you reach your academic goal and secure a place to study in Australia. In another word, scholarships in Australia is for all.


See internship opportunities:


Language Requirements

All undergraduate and post-graduate courses in Australia are taught in English. In some cases, those whose first language is not English may need to prove their proficiency in the language, before they are accepted on a course, by taking a recognised language test.


Student Visas

Any international student who wants to study in Australia must first obtain a Student Visa. These can be obtained online. and last up to five years. They currently cost AUS $575 (US $405).

To obtain a visa, applicants need to prove:

  • Evidence that they have been accepted on a course by a recognised Australian university;
  • Confirmation of their financial worthiness;
  • Proof that they have the requisite English language skills; and
  • Health insurance coverage

A visa will not be issued to anybody with a substantive criminal record.

Part-Time Work in Australia

To help meet the cost of study, students might want to consider taking-up part time work while studying in Australia. Most student visas typically allow students to work for unrestricted hours during vacation periods, and up to 40 hours every fortnight during term time. The rules on student working have recently been tightened-up, so those interested should check their visa type before applying for jobs.


In conclusion, Australia offers all the opportunities you need to study abroad. Top quality university, world-class education, staffs and facilities, thousands of scholarships made available to ease your cost, friendly people, environment and international student laws, availability of many academic discipline options, cultural diversity, beautiful landscapes and nature to free yourself from academic trauma ,vibrant city life and beautiful regional sites, available  of working opportunities and internships to advance your professional career etc.

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